About Kickball

Kickball is very similar to Softball/Baseball.  As in baseball, one team tries to score by having its players run the bases and returning home unscathed (Meaning reaching the home plate without being tagged out or called out per the rules). Instead of hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, players kick an inflated rubber ball rolled on the ground.

Kickball was established on the playground and made popular by adults. It is popular in Canada, the USA, South Korea, Japan and the UK for starters. Know by different names, of course.

Each team has a minimum of 10 players, with at least 4 members of the non-dominant gender playing on each team. The game lasts for 7 innings or 50 minutes, whichever comes first.  There are 10 fielding positions for the defense. The offense takes turn kicking the ball until the Ref records 3 outs. Game Rules can also be found on this website.

There are no equipment requirements except a good pair of sneakers and a willingness to learn.

North Harbour Softball Fields are a designated no-smoking area.