Cornhole Rules


Singles vs Doubles Play – Cornhole / Corn Toss can be played as doubles or singles. For the purpose of making this league as fun and as social as possible, we are throwing both out the window.  Instead, 2, 3 or 4 platforms sets will be lined up side by side and across the “field” from each other, depending on the number of players assigned to each team (as few as 4 and as many as 12).  Two teams will play each hour.  Please click on the link for a visual example of how players will be positioned.

Innings – Every Cornhole / Corn Toss match is broken down into innings of play, in which the points reach 21. During each inning of play each side must pitch all four corn bags.  After each inning, the winning side will be awarded 1 point.  Whichever team has the most points after 50 minutes of play wins. Game time will be 20 minutes with a 10 minute break and then play 20 minutes.


Value Of The Corn Bag –                                                                              

1. Corn Bag In-The-Hole – A corn bag in-the-hole (or Hole-In) is a corn bag which is thrown through the hole in the cornhole platform or otherwise comes to rest inside the cornhole platform (knocked in by another player or an act of God). A corn bag in-the-hole has a value of three points.                                            

2. Corn Bag In-The-Count – A corn bag that is not in-the-hole but lands with any portion of the corn bag resting on the cornhole platform is in-the-count. A corn bag in-the-count has a value of one point. For a corn bag to be in-the-count, it must not touch the ground or any other portion of the court prior to coming to rest on the cornhole platform. If a corn bag touches the ground before coming to rest on the cornhole platform, it is a foul and must be removed from the cornhole platform prior to the continuation of play.                                                            

3. Corn Bag Out-Of-The-Count – A corn bag which comes to rest anywhere except in-the-count or in-the-hole is out-of-the-count and has no scoring value. A corn bag which is declared to be a foul is considered to be out-of-the-count (no matter where it comes to rest) and must be removed from the cornhole surface prior to the continuation of play.

Cancellation Scoring-

In cancellation scoring, corn bags in-the-hole and corn bags in-the-count pitched by opponents during an inning (singles play) or half of an inning (doubles play) cancel each other out. Only non cancelled corn bags are counted in the score for the inning.

1. Corn Bags In-The-Hole – Hole-ins (HI’s) cancel each other. A corn bag in-the-hole of one contestant shall cancel a corn bag in-the-hole of his competitor and those corn bags shall not score any points. Any non cancelled corn bag in-the-hole scores three points.

2. Corn Bags In-The-Count – Corn bags in-the-count cancel each other. A corn bag in-the-count of one contestant shall cancel a corn bags in-the-count of the opponent and those corn bags shall not score any points. Any non cancelled corn bags in-the-count score one point each.

3. The hole-in score for each contestant is added to the in-the-count score for each contestant to derive the recorded score for the inning.

4. In this manner hole-in and in-the–count corn bags from each contestant or team of contestants are cancelled out and only non cancelled corn bags are counted in the score.

Cancellation scoring may be easily calculated as follows:

1. The points of both contestants are calculated for hole-ins and in-the-count corn bags.

2. The points of the lowest scoring contestant for hole-in corn bags are subtracted from the points of the highest scoring contestant for hole-in corn bags. The result is the hole-in score for the highest scoring contestant. The hole-in score for the lowest scoring contestant is zero.

3. The points of the lowest scoring contestant for in-the-count corn bags are subtracted from the points of the highest scoring contestant for in-the-count corn bags. The result is the in-the-count score for the highest scoring contestant. The in-the-count score for the lowest scoring contestant is zero.

Delivery Of Corn Bags –

1. Contestants alternate pitching corn bags with the person on the opposing team across from them until they have each thrown 1 bag.  This will be repeated until all four corn bags have been tossed by each member of the team, and the inning completed.,                                                  

2. A contestant may deliver the corn bag from either the left or right pitchers box, but, in any one inning, all corn bags must be delivered from the same pitcher’s box.    

3. Each individual contestant shall deliver the corn bag within 20 seconds. The time shall start when the contestant steps onto the pitcher’s box with the intention of pitching.                                                                                                        

Pitching Rotation During The Game – The team that pitched last in the preceding inning shall pitch first in the next inning or the team that scored last inning.  


Position Of Contestants During Delivery – The pitcher must maintain constant contact with the designated pitcher’s box during the entire address and release of the corn bag. The only exception is for physically challenged contestants, who must simply remain completely behind a 21 ft. foul line when the corn bag is released.  Please contact Kaboom Director at if you or a teammate are physically challenged so that we can have the 21 ft foul line marked.                                                                                                            

Foul Corn Bags – A foul corn bag is a corn bag which was delivered in non-compliance with one of the rules of the game. It scores as a corn bag out of the count and is to be removed from the Cornhole / Corn Toss court before any more corn bags are pitched. Corn bags already in the court that have been knocked into foul territory by a foul corn bag should be returned to the scoring area. Additionally, corn bags that are in the count, but are knocked into the hole by a foul corn bag must be returned to their original scoring position.

1. The following are rule violations that must be spotted and called by a contestant or assigned judge. The penalty is to declare the corn bag a foul corn bag, which requires the corn bags to be removed from the court prior to resuming play.                                                                                                              

(a) Any corn bag pitched when the contestant has made contact with or crossed over the foul line before the corn bag is released.                                                                                             

(b) Any corn bag which struck a previously defined object such as a tree limb, wire, indoor court ceiling, etc.                                                                                                   

(c) Any corn bag that leaves a contestant’s hand once the final forward swing of the delivery process has started shall count as a pitched corn bag. A corn bag that is accidentally dropped by a contestant before the final forward swing has started shall not be considered foul and may be picked up and pitched.            

2. A contestant’s corn bags shall be called foul if the contestant removes any corn bag before the scoring of that corn bag has been agreed upon. A judge shall be called if a decision cannot be reached. The judge shall determine the scoring for the inning.                                                                    

Protests – If a contestant desires to make a protest, the protest shall be made to the judge or tournament official at the time the problem occurs. The tournament judge shall make the final ruling on all protests.


Point Limits – The Cornhole / Corn Toss match shall be played until the first team of contestants reaches (or exceeds) 21 points at the completion of an inning. The winning team does not need to win by two or more points.                                 

The Inning Must Be finished – The Cornhole / Corn Toss match can never end in the middle of an inning, except after the 10-minute break call has been made. Thus, if a team that pitches first reaches or exceeds 21 points, the game can not end until the other side is allowed to pitch all of their corn bags and the inning is completed.                          

Ties At The End Of An Inning – If the Cornhole / Corn Toss match is tied at 21 or more at the end of an inning, play continues until one team or the other achieves a higher score at the end of an inning and wins the match.

Skunks – The game shall be played to 21 unless a team scores 11 or more points before their opponents score any points. In this case the game is a skunk and the team that scores 11 or more points wins the match.

Action’s Fun Rules:

1. If a team is tied at the end of the 50 minute play, one person from each team will be chosen to play sudden death. The two people chosen will be able to get a chance to throw 4 bags to see who scores the highest to win it all. If no points were scored, repeat process again. First person to score wins the entire game for the team.

2. Subs are allowed during regular season games. No subs for playoffs or championship! A team can choose to pick up players from other teams or bring their own subs.

3. A team must have at least 4 original roster players to not receive a forfeit.

4. For every sub that is picked up on a team, the other team will be awarded 1 point at the start time. If a team chooses not to pick up a sub, they will then need to have a player walk back and forth and will give the other team 2 points at the beginning of start time. All teams must match the team they are playing with subs or people walking back and forth.

5. Standings will be calculated on the following: (1) winning percentage, (2) head to head play (2 teams), (3) most games won, (4) fewest games lost, (5) coin flip.