Adult Kickball

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Kickball is now available on Mondays!

You must be at least 18 to play in this league. If you are interested in playing, let me know via email at, or click the register for kickball tab for more information.

The returning players fee is still $55, and the new registration fees are $75 for an 8 week season plus an extra week for the Championship games, provided there are no interruptions.  There is also a discount when you sign up 4 or more players at once, as well as whole team of 10-15 players discounts during registration. Please ask about these details.

Registration for the season comes with a team T-shirt, all equipment needed to play and specials from our Sponsor Bar that we meet at after each game. Food and drink specials will be available to anyone in the league. Our current Sponsor bar is New Brew in Rosedale.

Come join the fun, try something new, New Zealand!!!